In 2017 Dorothée Munyaneza presented her creation Unwanted at the REf: a symphony of words, movements and songs through which we heard the stories of women who had been raped in war. Today the director, originally from Rwanda, of British nationality but based in Marseille, celebrates feminine power and strength by bringing together on stage six highly committed women from different areas of the world. African American, Haitian, Danish, British or Brazilian voices, stories of singers and dancers come together on stage to build a single unique choir, a space in which to exorcise the memories and the wrongs suffered. Together with visual artist Stéphanie Coudert, Munyaneza weaves narrations, customs and materials, traditions and sounds, transforming them into versions of a single question that concerns, everywhere in the world, female freedom and that of the body. Mailles is one «Universal narrative composed of our mixed intimate stories (…), of memories populated by ancestral and current stories. A celebration in our different languages- English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Isizulu, Kinyarwanda, Kreyòl. (…)- resilience becomes a weapon of resistance that accompanies us and constitutes our strength and our beauty ».
Concept: Dorothée Munyaneza
With: Ife Day, Yinka Esi Graves, Asmaa Jama, Elsa Mulder, Nido Uwera, Dorothée Munyaneza
Artistic Collaboration, Costumes : StéphanieCoudert
Scenographic consultant: Vincent Gadras
Thanks to: Hlengiwe Lushaba Madlala, Zora Santos, Keyierra Collins
Music: Alain Mahé, Ben Lamar Gay, Dorothée Munyaneza
Sound design: Alain Mahé
Lighting Design: Christian Dubet
Director of Production and Development: Emmanuel Magis – Anahi, assisted by Margot Delorme
General stage direction: Marion Piry
Lighting direction: Marine Levey et Anna Geneste
Sound direction: Camille Frachet
Surtitle translation: Olivia Amos
Production Credits
Production: Compagnie Kadidi / Anahi
Co-production: Charleroi danse – Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie (Bruxelles), Châteauvallon – Scène Nationale, Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Le Grand T – Théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, CCN Ballet National de Marseille, NEXT festival / La Rose des vents, scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d’Asq,Théâtre National de Bretagne (Rennes), Théâtre de Nîmes – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national – Art et Création – Danse Contemporaine, Théâtre de la Ville-Paris, Festival d’Automne à Paris
Co-realization: Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou, Paris ; Théâtre de la Ville-Paris, Festival d’Automne à Paris
Avec le soutien de la DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Ministère de la Culture, du Fonds de dotation du Quartz – Scène nationale de Brest, de La Chartreuse de Villeneuve lez Avignon – Centre national des écritures contemporaines, de la SPEDIDAM et du Département des Bouches du Rhône.
Dorothée Munyaneza è artista associata al Théâtre de la Ville-Paris.
Event organized in the framework of la Saison Africa 2020 with the support of Comité des mécènes made by Fondation Gilbert et Rose-Marie Chagoury, Orange, Total Foundation, Axian, Groupe Sipromad, JCDecaux, Pernod Ricard, Sanofi, Société Générale, VINCI, CFAO, ENGIE, Thales, Thomson Broadcast et Veolia
Dorothée Munyaneza was a residency in Chicago (USA) with the support of FACE Foundation,il Consolato francese a Chicago, l’Institut Français Paris ; in partnership with High Concept Labs, Ragdale Foundation, Experimental Station, Poetry Foundation, France Chicago Center à l’Université de Chicago.
Con il sostegno di l’Adami
Debut a Charleroi il 23 e il 24 ottobre 2020 (Belgio)
In partnership with France Culture