To give life to Möbius, the great company of acrobats XY, among the most acclaimed in France and word-wide, was inspired by the movements of the flocks of swallows, the schools of fish and sudden changes in nature. Under the vigilant eye of Rachid Ourandame, 19 performers on stage inscribe to the practice of “Acrobatic portès” with a swirling choreography, made of flashes, sudden and reckless flights of clouds and towers of bodies, in an exorbitant unraveling. At the crossroads between dance and acrobatics, dream and gravity, the inauguration of the thirty-sixth edition of REf becomes a celebration, a leap into the unpredictable thrill of the void, where the strength and fragility of the human condition overlap with the mysterious and inscrutable charm of nature’s rituals.
CIE XY, RACHID OURAMDANE • Möbius • Création 2019
Production: Cie XY
19 Acrobats: Abdeliazide Senhadji, Airelle Caen, Alejo Bianchi, Clémence Gilbert , Andres Somoza, Antoine
Thirion, Belar San Vincente, Florian Sontowski, Gwendal Beylier, Hamza Benlabied, Löric Fouchereau, Consuelo Burgos , Mikis Matsakis, Oded Avinathan, Paula Wittib, Peter Freeman, Seppe Van Looveren, Tuk Frederiksen, Yamil Falvella
Artistic Collaboration: Rachid Ouramdane, Jonathan Fitoussi, Clemens Hourrière
Lighting design: Vincent Millet
Costumes: Nadia Léon
Acrobatic Collaboration: Nordine Allal
Production and administration: Peggy Donck and Antoine Billaud
Production Credits
Co-production: Plateforme 2 Pôles Cirque en Normandie – La Brèche à Cherbourg e il Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf / Le Phénix – Scène nationale, Pôle européen de création à Valenciennes / La Maison de la Danse – Lyon / MC2 – Grenoble / Tandem – Scène nationale de Douai / EPPGHV – Parc de La Villette – Paris / Maison de la Culture de Bourges / TEAT – Champ Fleuri – La Réunion / Agora – PNAC Boulazac Aquitaine / Les Gémeaux – Scène nationale de Sceaux / Bonlieu – Scène nationale d’Annecy / Le Carré Magique – PNAC en Bretagne / Espace des arts – Scène nationale de Chalon-sur-Saône / Le Bateau Feu – Scène nationale de Dunkerque / Espace Jean Legendre – Théâtre de Compiègne / Festival Perspectives – festival franco-allemand des arts de la scène – Saarbrücken – Allemagne
Artistic Residencies: Le Sirque – PNAC Nexon Limousin / Furies – PNAC en préfiguration – Châlons-en-Champagne / Cirque Jules Verne – Pôle national cirque et arts de la rue – Amiens / CCN2 – Grenoble / MC2 – Grenoble / La Maison de la Danse – Lyon / Plateforme 2 Pôles Cirque en Normandie – La Brèche à Cherbourg et le Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf / CIRCa – PNAC Auch / Tandem – Scène nationale de Douai / Le Phénix – Pôle européen de création – Valenciennes
CIE XY beneficia del sostegno del ministero della cultura – DRAC, Hauts-de-France sotto forma di aiuti alla compagnia, riconosciuta d’influenza nazionale e internazionale; dalla Région Grand Est e dal Centre National des Arts du Cirque. È compagnia associata al Phénix de Valenciennes nel quadro del Pôle Européen de Création, del Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf – Pôle National des Arts du Cirque Normandie. È inoltre supportata dalla fondazione Bnp Paribas.
With the contribution of
Fondazione Nuovi Mecenati – Fondazione franco-italiana di sostegno alla creazione contemporanea,
Institut Français Italia – La Francia in scena
Under the patronage of
Ambassade de France en Italie