Azzurra De Gregorio, from Molise, is engaged in a research that extends into the field of performing and visual arts; at the Festival she will be presenting an authentic ode to the maternal figure, representing the ideal of femininity and at the same time a central role in the sentimental education of an individual.
«Is there any greater love than that of and for a mother? When we become adults, how do we experience our detachment from her?». Two actors will be on stage to highlight the complexity and interchangeability of the roles traditionally imposed on us (child, lover, and mother) and bring out the nuanced and swirling portrayal of fragmented individuals, dealing with break-ups and indissoluble ties.
Precisely this attention to the scenic image, as the perfect blend of the two souls that animate De Gregorio’s work, between performance and installation, that characterises Madre. Symbolic scenery, skilful use of light and a musical finale – able to weaving together the sounds produced by the various elements interacting on the stage – affect the spectator’s perception, for a sensory and emotional experience driven by alchemy, impulses, myths and ancestral desires.