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National Premier | A REf co-production with Teatro di Roma - Teatro Nazionale
In collaboration with Teatro di Roma

Teatro India / Sala B
October 19th - 22nd 2021
dance - dance

Alice Ripoll



Brazilian choreographer and performer Alice Ripoll has involved in her choreography performers from all over the country, many of them from the Favelas of Rio and San Paolo, beginning from the early stages of developing REC, one of her two companies, with which he has created Lavagem. Staged between reality and fantasy this performance leads the viewer into a kind of apocalyptic dream, inhabited by buckets, water and soap, investigating the act of cleaning and its possibilities, along with its scenic and historical connotations. The elements used are meant to create multiple references to poetic images of exodus, ritual, rebirth and resistance. « What must actually be clean? The houses, the dirt inside the rooms? The traces left, the historical facts? The smell of bodily fluids we sense when we get closer to each other? Traces of soap color the bodies and allude to invisibility; Bubbles suggest a world of dreams, in stark contrast with the severe lack of social mobility in the real world», says the choreographer.


Directed by Alice Ripoll
Original concept Alan Ferreira
Interpretation by Alan Ferreira, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia,Rômulo Galvão, Tony Hewerton, Tuany Nascimento
Photo and teaser © Renato Mangolin

Production direction: Natasha Corbelino, Corbelino Cultural
Production and stage assistant: Thais Peixoto
Artistic assistant: Laura Samy
Set designer: Raquel Theo
Costume designer: Paula Ströher
Light designer: Andrea Capella
Tour planning: ART HAPPENS
Support: Rafael Machado
Physiotherapy,, Centro Coreográfico do Rio de Janeiro

Production Credits

Coproduzione: Kunstenfetivaldesarts, PACT Zollverein, Kaserne Basel, Wiener Festwochen, Julidans, Festival de la Cité Lausanne, PASSAGES – Festival International, Romaeuropa Festival e Teatro di Roma – Teatro Nazionale

Ringraziamenti speciali: Alexandre Belfort, Sulamita Costa, Juliana França, André Oliveira,Walace Ferreira, Juliete Schultz, Mauricio Lima, Pedro Bento, Thamires Candida, Dilo Paulo, Diewry Patrick, Lenna Santos de Siqueira, Camila Rocha, Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Arnoldo Pereira de Souza, Anita Tandeta, Camila Moura Renato Linhares, Cecilia Ripoll, Casa de Mystérios e Novidades.