h 8pm | warming up! with Aerowaves’ artists | Foyer
h 8:30pm | Aerowaves‘ introduction with John Ashford | Foyer
Liat Waysbort is an Israeli choreographer based in the Netherlands. Her choreographic work is warm, dynamic and slightly absurd. Her solo ‘Please me Please’, danced by Ivan Ugrin, was selected by Romaeuropa for Aerowaves – Dance Across Europe, a hub for dance discovery in the European Union. The idea of transformation is at the core of this piece, and Waysbort dealt with it in a lucid and at the same time ambiguous way. She devised a choreography that entrusts the body and the intelligence of the dancer with the task of connecting meanings and feelings. The dancer is on stage, alone with his body and movements, ready to produce numerous images and stories to fulfil his own need, to satisfy the desires of the “other”. He is a man, a woman, a ballerina, a porno star. He triggers bold provocations and plays with the certainties of the audience. By doing so, he deliberately challenges the audience’s reactions to his actions: the changes his body goes through cause different reactions ranging from affection to antipathy. The poignant physicality as well as the intense gaze of the performer, force the audience to constantly reassess what is seen on stage. The performer’s actions arouse respect, but at the same time they are a provocation – they urge the viewers to look at themselves, to confess the unmentionable. Liat Waysbort’s began her dance career in Tel-Aviv, where she danced with the Bat-Sheva Dance Company for nine years. She completed her studies in the Netherlands, at the master choreography program of Codarts (Rotterdam). She started her creative work in Dansateliers in 2005, and continued with her very successful choreographic trajectories in Dansateliers since then.
Dancer Ivan Ugrin Choreography Liat Waysbort Dramaturgy, Consultant Annette van Zwole
Music Nerk & Dirk Leyers “Stepshifter”, Alberto Jestern Novello “Pure”
Photo © Maja Kljaja
Produced by Bitter Sweet Dance / Liat T. Waysbort Coproduced by Dansateliers, Rotterdam Distributed by Liat T. Waysbort, Hit Me Productions With the support of Annette van Zwolle, Kristin De Groot / Johan Cuperus