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National Premiere

MAXXI - Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo
theatre - theatre - visual art

OHT | Office for a Human Theatre

Rompere il ghiaccio

Rompere il ghiaccio

Rompere il ghiaccio

With the performance Breaking the Ice, Filippo Andreatta continues to deepen the link between the landscape, the natural elements that make it up and…

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CBM 8032 AV

The German musician and artist, inventor of the Ableton Live software, brings on stage five Commodore CBM 8032s in order to explore the beauty…

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Big Jumps

Pascale Marthine Tayou realizza quest’opera appositamente per il REf19 e come regalo alla città di Roma. L’artista sarà impegnato nella realizzazione di un murales…

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Progetto Rufa

For the second year running, Digital Live welcomes the most interesting work created by the students of the Multimedia Arts and Design course of…

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Primitive Primavere

The Sala Santa Rita of Rome is transformed into part of a valley where the last few thousand fireflies remaining on the planet are…

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One of the Few Moments II

One of the Few Moments II is a site-specific work created by Hungarian Gyula Vàrnai for the Sala Santa Rita in Rome. The artist,…

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World Hello / Rouge

Di Stefano presents 2 unpublished video works, created from photographs from his travels and centered on the themes of globalization and cultural capitalism. The…

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Open wall

A site-specific work built with luminous signs in different languages, accumulated by the artist around the world. Through these luminous signs, Tayou reflects on…

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Arbre de vie

This installation is an example of the ability of Tayou to work with contemporary symbolism, positioned on the borderland between Africa and Europe. On…

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Staging Silence (3)

‘Staging Silence (3)’ is the final instalment in a series of autonomous art films by Hans Op de Beeck. Two pairs of anonymous hands…

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The Valley (an apocalypse)

The Valley is the story of the banality of violence and our little daily apocalypses. A man finds himself in the middle of a…

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I sogni di Antonio

I sogni di Anontio (Antoine’s Dreams) is an adaptation designed exclusively for younger children, taken from the show Ermitologie presented during the REf kids +…

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AV Improvisation

Born in 1987 and active in both Italy and Berlin, Andrea Familari focuses his artistic research on the representation of auditory perception through geometric…

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Curon | Graun

Founded by director Filippo Andreatta and forever striving to explore the boundaries between theatre and visual arts, the OHT – Office for a Human…

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