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Edison Studio • SIAE • Cineteca di Bologna

Sounds of Silences

Sounds of Silences

Sounds of Silences

Soundtracks for Chaplin – Sounds of Silences finale   For its third edition, the International Competition of Musical Composition for the Moving Image ends…

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The Zone

What does the philosophical/sci-fi story of Roadside Picnic (the famous novel by the Strugackij brothers, well-known also thanks to the very personal film adaptation of…

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From Berio to Ligeti: Letizia Renzini’s journey dedicated to the transmission of contemporary musical heritage to the youngest generations continues with Grasland, a production…

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From music for percussion to that of computer data: datamatics [ver. 2.0], the second date for Ryoji Ikeda, is not just a concert of…

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Cornelius Cardew e Alvin Curran

Classical training combined with a modern spirit – the aptitude of Fabrizio Ottaviucci as an interpreter and composer could be summed up with this…

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Materia Lumina

Polisonum is a collective of artistic research that utilises sound as an investigative method on the transformations of landscapes and geographies, in places of…

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Winner of a Grammy Award in 2010 and icon of international world music, Oumou Sangaré is the main interpreter of the ‘Wassoulou’ genre today, based…

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In the summer of 2015, Cecilia Bengolea and François Chaignaud were amongst the first choreographers invited by Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch to create a…

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La Corazzata Potëmkin

Edison Studio, the group, formed in 1993 by Mauro Cardi, Luigi Ceccarelli, Fabio Cifariello Ciardi and Alessandro Cipriani that is revolutionising the concept of…

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